
Who Do You Think You Are

I don’t know who you think you are? You try to come in and steal my joy.  You know what buttons to push, to make me feel overwhelmed and to become afraid.  You whisper lies to me that no one else can hear.  You wake me up when I am supposed to be resting making mole hills into mountains.  I know what your game is, keep me awake so tomorrow’s promises will become problems.  You cause fear and anxiety to arise when really it’s nothing more than a walk in the park.  So, I ask you again, who do you think you are?  

You keep me busy, so I have no time to spend with the one who brings me strength.  My life becomes a Merry-go-Round, spinner faster and faster.  Spinning away all strenghth, laughter and joy and replacing it with fear, weakness and tiredness which causes me to become mentally weak.  So, again I ask, who do you think you are?

There is one, who is so opposite of you.  He offers rest for the weary, strength for the weak.  He allows me to rest at night, bringing me joy in the morning.  He brings me love, joy, peace and patience.  Like I said, I don’t know who you think you are?  But let this be a warning to you, I have found my personal Warrior and you will no longer have me blinded, living in fear, distracted and bound.  The chains have been broken and I am now FREE!!!

Written by Faith Lenihan

Photo Credit: Vince Fleming