
What If?

For several weeks, I have been in a season of “busy”.  Distracted. In my heart, I know that I “should” be writing, encouraging, sharing but I have “put it off”.  There are what seem to be endless tasks:  mowing the yard, weeding the garden, sowing seeds and reaping the harvests, running errands, fixing meals, doing laundry.  The list goes on and on. But, I am without excuse.  I let the “urgent get in the way of the important”.  I let the enemy get me off course with endless distractions.  Today, I have stopped.  I hit the pause button and just took time to “be” with God.  I took a minute to “be still”, to listen.  What is the most important thing in my life?  It is my relationship with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  Truly, He is my Rock and my Salvation.  He is the hope for this world.  Today, I share the words that were dropped into my heart; the poem entitled “What If?”

What if Jesus came back today?

Am I walking with Him or have I gone astray?

What would He find?

Are my eyes open or are they blind?

Is my lamp burning bright?

Or is it dim; hidden, out of sight?

Am I seeking Him; reading his WORD?

Or do I think the Bible is ancient, irrelevant, absurd?

Am I discerning the “signs of the times”?

Or do I go about my day without reason or rhyme?

Am i living for Jesus with boldness and courage; doing His will?

Or am I drowning in fear; grabbing a pill?

Is this earth my home?

Or is my citizenship in heaven where I long to roam?

Is my faith growing; do I really believe?

Or do I just want to ignore the TRUTH, turn a blind eye; be relieved?

Tough questions we must evaluate.

For the path to heaven is narrow; the way to Hell wide is the gate.

NOW is the time to accept salvation; the gift from our LORD.

His WORD, the Bible, is sharper than a two edge sword.

It is time to invite Jesus in.

He will cleanse and forgive ALL you sin.

He is the ONLY way!

He is the ticked to heaven this day!

But His love, he will never force. 

He extends an invitation, but does not coerce.

The choice to follow, obey, is yours alone.

He has a “still small voice”, not a megaphone.

He is calling. Be still. Listen. Hear.

He longs to give you new life; remove all doubt and fear.

It is as easy as A, B, C:

Admit that you are a sinner.

Believe that Jesus is LORD.

Call upon His name.

Pray. One. Two. Three.


I come to you today, broken. I am a sinner.  I cannot live this life on my own. I need You. I need You to save me. I believe that You came into this world to die for my sins. You rose from the dead so that I could have life.  I ask that You come into my heart, cleanse me of all sin. Be LORD of my life. In your name, Jesus, I pray. Amen