Joy,  Love

The Joy of the Lord is my Strength

Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice! (Phillippians 4:4)

For you will go out with joy and be led forth with peace. (Isaiah 55:12)

In Psalm 127:3 the Bible tells us “Behold, children are a heritage and gift from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward.”  This is so true!  Children are amazing gifts from the Lord!

But, how difficult it is when you long for children for years and yet, your hope goes unfulfilled.  You pray, beg, try different options and your womb remains empty. There are painful emotions that run rampant: sorrow, guilt, shame and wondering Why?

Thankfully, I have three beautiful healthy adult children.  However, it took five years before I conceived.  Only through the difficulty that I went through to have children, do I only partially understand the ache and depth of longing.  I have family and friends that have experienced the deep longing and unfulfilled hope of having a baby too.  My heart aches for them.

My daughter and son-in-law experienced this dilemma.  For a short time, they became a foster family.  Then, they decided to pursue international adoption.  The process was long and tedious but they persevered through all of the paperwork.  They adopted a wonderful little boy from China, Charlie!

I am his Lao Lao (maternal grandma) and I am biased.  But he is the most special joy filled gift from God!  He hardly ever has any expression other than a huge smile (unless mama or baba tell him, no).  He radiates and exudes joy from every pore!

Charlie has cerebral palsy.  He goes through speech therapy, physical therapy, feeding therapy, occupational therapy and has multiple doctor and clinic appointments.  But he is a trooper!  He is always excited to do the work! He smiles and fills the room with joy!  My daughter homeschools him.  He is extremely motivated and intelligent!  He may have some limitations on his physical body, but his mind and spirit soar high!  The joy of the Lord is his strength.  We are blessed!

At times, we cannot choose the situations we go through or things that happen to us.  However, I believe that we can choose our attitude and how we will respond.   I see the obstacles and challenges Charlie perseveres through and watch his attitude, his expression.  He is an overcomer.  He chooses joy!

When I have a difficult day, I look at a picture of Charlie.  I smile.  I am grateful for this little joy filled blessing and I thank Jesus for him!  He is truly a gift from the Lord!

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