• Prayer

    Eyes to See

    When I pray and ask for “eyes to see”- Sometimes I don’t like what you show me. You open my eyes. Expose selfishness, harshness, deception and lies. What do I do when I see- Bitterness and selfishness inside of me? I have a choice-turn away in pride? Or repent of my sin, ask forgiveness and cleansing inside? Abba, You discipline those that you love. You care about the little details from far above. You listen to my pettiness; hear my whine. Oh, how You must get frustrated and laugh at times! You lovingly chide me and care. You listen; hear every prayer. Like a road grater working on a rock…

  • Prayer

    Power of Prayer

    Luke 18:41 “What do you want me to do for you?” “Lord, I want to see,” he replied. Matthew 19:26 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Within the passage of Luke 18, the story unfolds.  A blind man is sitting by the roadside, begging.  He is going about his daily business when he hears a crowd passing by and asks “What’s happening?”  They tell him Jesus is passing by.  More than likely, he has heard the stories of…

  • Victory

    God’s Victory Through Support

    I was blessed to be able to pray for a very special group of ladies who serve the Lord in a particular ministry one day. As we were praying, I felt a Word fall into my Spirit.  I want to call this God’s Victory Through Support.  We know how tiring it can be to serve others in any capacity. There are times we become so weary.  There are times we feel so alone. The Word I received that day can be found in Exodus 17 as Amalek (aka the enemy) comes to fight against Israel (aka God’s chosen people/servants). Moses tells them he will station himself on the top of the…