• Grandkids

    Grandma Thoughts

    While reading my devotion for today, it led me to thinking about my 8 year old grandson. Lately, he has been asking questions about God. Now we’ve had conversations before, but he just blurts out a question and expects me to have the answer. One day while listening to the Christian radio station, he asked me if Jesus was God. My spur of the moment answer, was that God was Jesus’ father and his mother was Mary. So, I guess that makes him 50/50. Some things about Jesus are difficult for me to understand after all these years. So for an 8 year old, I tried to keep it simple. You know,…

  • Hope

    Morale Problems Lead to Moral Problems

    When you feel depressed and down When hope seems lost and life causes a frown When love seems to have grown cold When all that you have worked for begins to unravel and unfold When a diagnosis comes and all seems dim When tragedy strikes and life is grim When life happens… …our morale may sink we may feel desperate; on the brink we may feel overwhelmed with sorrow we may lose hope for tomorrow we may cry out in pain we may feel life is over; there is nothing to gain Our morale problems lead to moral problems We need to stop dwelling on the negative thoughts and attitudes.…

  • Joy,  Love

    The Joy of the Lord is my Strength

    Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice! (Phillippians 4:4) For you will go out with joy and be led forth with peace. (Isaiah 55:12) In Psalm 127:3 the Bible tells us “Behold, children are a heritage and gift from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward.”  This is so true!  Children are amazing gifts from the Lord! But, how difficult it is when you long for children for years and yet, your hope goes unfulfilled.  You pray, beg, try different options and your womb remains empty. There are painful emotions that run rampant: sorrow, guilt, shame and wondering Why? Thankfully, I have three beautiful healthy…