
Sin Destroys BUT GOD Redeems

Romans 3:23
For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

“Sin will take you further than you ever expected to go; it will keep you longer than you ever intended to stay, and it will cost you more than you ever expected to pay.”
Kay Arthur 
Anointed Transformed Redeemed A Study of David

The most recent Bible study that I am in with my prayer partners is Anointed Transformed Redeemed A Study of David.  This Bible study was written by some of my favorite authors Priscilla Shirer, Beth Moore and Kay Arthur.  It is a great study of David; a man after God’s own heart.  We walk through his life, his anointing, transformation, his failures and redemption.  It brings light and hope, knowing that even David a man after God’s own heart was human and fallible.  He, like me, at times, failed miserably.  Yet, God, in His loving kindness and tender mercies redeems him.  As David repents, God restores.  God disciplines those He loves and the discipline is painful.  God blesses David as he learns hard truths.  God disciplines us and blesses us as we repent and turn to Him.  He restores all that is lost.  He gives us renewed hope and purpose.  He never leaves or forsakes us.  He is a good good Father whom is faithful!  

With Sin, You NEVER Win

It only takes a second to sin
One thought, one action; we lose, not win.
When at a crossroad, it is decision time.
Stop. Turn around. Don’t yield. Walk a straight line.

The road of sin leads to death.
It brings negative consequences, there is no peaceful rest.
Sin causes us to dig a deeper pit.
One that is filled with evil and regret.

King David had it all!
Wives, valiant warriors, respect before his fall.
It only took one look and then, a gaze.
His heart lusted for Bathsheba, then life became a haze.

He committed adultery, murder; digging a deeper pit of sin.
Lies. Deception. There was no way to win.
The prophet, Nathan, was sent by the LORD to confront David’s ways.
David confessed his sin. Repented. Heavy consequences were paid.

But GOD, in His lovingkindness made a way.
To restore David (and us) to Him each day.
God sent Jesus, His only Son.
The unblemished Lamb, the Chosen One.

Jesus paid the price.
He is our ultimate sacrifice.
Our sin cost Him His life.
He willingly died to remove our filth, grime, grief and strife.

He rose to defeat death and the grave.
Our very lives to eternally save.
We need to die to sin; live for Christ.
Be thankful and praise Him for His sacrifice.

He will return soon.
Morning. Night or Noon.
Will he find us full of sin:  selfishness, arrogance, pride?
Will He find us crucified with Him on the inside?

You have a choice each day.
Walk with Him? Go your own way?
At a crossroad, which way will you go?
Choosing a slippery slope of sin will take you down fast, not slow.

There is nowhere that you can run or hide.
God sees all; knows our inside.
Come to Him today.
Confess your sin. Repent. Run to Him, not away.

Run into His arms.
He will forgive, restore, protect from harm.
His ways are so much higher.
Relationship with us is his desire.

Written by Kim Clodfelter

Photo Credits: Zac Ong