
Simply Be

This morning Jesus spoke to me-
The words “Simply Be.”
“Remain in me. Remain in my love.
Set your heart high above.

Do not focus on this life.
You will only be filled with grief and strife.
You must set your sight higher.
Let Me set your heart on fire.

Keep your eyes on Me.
Your citizenship is in heaven for eternity.
Life on earth is passing away.
From Me, do not stray.

Do not doubt. Do not fear.
One day, I will wipe away every tear.
There will be no more sorrow-
Only bright hope for every tomorrow.

There will be everlasting joy.
No more will people fight or annoy.”
We will dance and worship Jesus, our LORD.
We will all live in harmony; be of one accord.

We will experience perfect peace.
Joy! Celebration! Freedom! Sweet Release!
The light and momentary trials that we go through-
Will be nothing, Jesus, when we are home with You!