
Porch Swing



From the porch swing,
I talk with God
Pray and Sing.
I sip a cup of tea

And listen as He speaks to me.
He shows me beauty all around
Flowers, trees a variety of birds abound.
He loves and cares for all

Rich, poor, big or small.
He has a plan.
He wants me to share His love across all lands.
He teaches me how to live

And shows me how to forgive.
He causes me to remember
So I can trust him, be humble, patient and tender.
He is never hurtful, forceful or loud.

He convicts me when I am feeling proud.
When I am lost, He shows the way.
He assures me that I will be with Him one day.
He gives confidence and hope.

He tells me to “Be courageous”; gives
strength to cope.
Yes, from this porch swing
I am learning many things!


Written by Kim Clodfelter



Photo Credit of Porch Swing: James Garcia