
Morale Problems Lead to Moral Problems

When you feel depressed and down
When hope seems lost and life causes a frown
When love seems to have grown cold

When all that you have worked for begins to unravel and unfold
When a diagnosis comes and all seems dim
When tragedy strikes and life is grim

When life happens…
…our morale may sink
we may feel desperate; on the brink
we may feel overwhelmed with sorrow
we may lose hope for tomorrow
we may cry out in pain
we may feel life is over; there is nothing to gain

Our morale problems lead to moral problems
We need to stop dwelling on the negative thoughts and attitudes.
We need to choose joy and have gratitude.
Start small.  Thank You, God, I woke up.

Thank You for sunshine, Your beauty, birds, flowers, green grass, fresh water in my cup.
Thank You for ears to hear.
Thank you for peace, for removing doubt and fear.
Than You for Your freedom so grand.

Thank You for friends across this land.
We have the ability to CHOOSE OUR ATTITUDE
God wants to bring healing
But He is waiting on us to start revealing.

Take a moment today.
To seek God and pray.
There is nothing stronger than prayer.
Let God show you firsthand how much he loves and cares!

Photo Credit: Jackson David@jacksondavid