
Jesus, My Help

I’m sure there have been times in your life, just like my own, when you have sought the Lord through tears and pain; asking God to do something that we think he should do and in the ways we want Him to do them. Those cries in the middle of the night when we are desperate. “Oh Lord, please help me or help (your loved one)!” We need to hear from God, to see Him move and do the thing that we know only He can do. We cry out with all of our being waiting, watching, praying, hoping. Wondering if He is hearing our cries. Does He really hear us? How can we know for sure? He does and we know this because His Word tells us over and over again. Psalm 40:1 is just one example, “I waited patiently for the LORD, and he inclined to me and heard my cry.” That means literally that He bent over to turn His ear to hear me. Why? He hears me because I am HIS child.

More than once in my life, I have cried out to God asking Him to help me or help someone I love. The first time, I cried out to Him asking Him to change me. To help me be someone different because I was not a good person. I was very selfish and my life “was all about me.” I so desperately wanted to be someone else and I knew I couldn’t do it on my own because I had tried and failed many times. But, I finally became desperate. I knew it was going to get very ugly if something didn’t change, so I cried out to Jesus to change me and make me new. I knew very little about Jesus or His Word, but somehow from what I had learned and heard as a child, I knew JESUS was the answer. So, I sat in my room on the floor, alone, and I prayed sincere, honest words straight from my heart. And He heard me! Little by little my heart was changed on the inside and soon it was being reflected on the outside-through my words and actions.

I am so thankful that He has continued to draw me to Him, changing me, molding and shaping me into the woman He has called me to be over the past 30 years. It has not been easy. It is true that the Christian walk is a journey and it is hard. But when you are hopeless and there seems to be no way, Jesus makes THE WAY and gives us hope. Jesus has been and will always be my Helper, Anchor, Rescuer, Deliverer and Redeemer. The One who loves me with an everlasting love that will never end. He will never leave me.

No guilt in life, no fear in death,

This is the power of Christ in me;

From life’s first cry to final breath.

Jesus commands my destiny.

These are words from a song, “In Christ Alone,” that were shared in a Bible study I am doing about the life of David. Listen to this song and may you know Christ hears you. You, too, can find hope in Christ Alone.


Post Header Photo Credit: Priscilla Du Preez

Post Header Photo Credit: Priscilla Du Preez

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