
God’s Victory Through Support

I was blessed to be able to pray for a very special group of ladies who serve the Lord in a particular ministry one day. As we were praying, I felt a Word fall into my Spirit.  I want to call this God’s Victory Through Support.  We know how tiring it can be to serve others in any capacity. There are times we become so weary.  There are times we feel so alone. The Word I received that day can be found in Exodus 17 as Amalek (aka the enemy) comes to fight against Israel (aka God’s chosen people/servants). Moses tells them he will station himself on the top of the hill with the staff (rod) of God in his hand during the battle. So Moses and two of his friends go to the top of the hill. When Moses held up his hands – showing his and their dependence and faith in God – they would be winning. As soon as he dropped his hands, the enemy prevailed. Moses was a man who, although one of God’s chosen leaders, got tired and became weary. His hands became too heavy to keep holding them up until the job was done. But God, had provided helpers, supporters who “supported his hands, one on one side and one on the other. Thus his hands were steady until the sun set.” Through the support of his friends, his hands remained steady until the job was done. SWEET VICTORY!  We all need supporters at times to help us remain steady until our job for the Lord is done. Ask God when you have the need for help in serving Him – when you are fighting a battle – and He will provide support until the job is done and GOD has the victory! Praise God for His Faithfulness!