
God Speaks Through Nature

This morning it is gently snowing outside. The birds at the feeder are numerous and beautiful: 3 sets of cardinals, several blue birds, snowbirds, finches and a variety of woodpeckers. They come faithfully, daily. They bring their friends and forage in and around the feeders. When praying for the name of this website, several ideas were brainstormed. Then, the word “forager” came out of nowhere. Immediately, I went to a dictionary for a definition. The definition given “a person or animal that searches widely for food or provisions.” As I pondered, the name Faithful Forager, kept spiraling around in my head.

My first thought, God is faithful. In Hebrews 10:23, we are told “Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.” We are called to “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer” (Romans 12:12). God is faithful and He wants us to be faithful, faithfully seeking, following and obeying Him. So the word faithful seemed to resonate to what God is calling us to be. For some time I have felt called to share my personal thoughts and life journey. However, 2020 and the Covid-19 pandemic, seemed to change how we communicate. I kept praying for God to speak to me and share His plans with how this could be accomplished or if this is what His will truly was for me. Then, my friend, Faith suggested we build a website to share with others. My first thought was “Whoa!” I can barely send an email with attachments! Through her expertise and training, I am learning. It seems that God has different plans for how we will move forward sharing than what I had anticipated. Something that I have learned “It is not about me!” I have also learned that “I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13) Also, Proverbs 3: 5-6 tells us “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Not easy but straight paths. And, the old saying is wrong about not being able to teach “an old dog new tricks.” I am living proof that you can teach a computer illiterate person how to “post” articles on a website. Although, not perfect posts, they are present and I am learning. Thanks to God and Faith!

Secondly, the word “forager” seems to have a deeper meaning spiritually when I think about it. Let me explain. I think about my husband and his metal detector that he received as a present. He has trained himself on “how to” use the instruments by watching countless hours of You Tube videos. He knows how to read the gauges and listen to the various tones to know the possible depth and type of a buried treasure. He has found a number of items buried in the ground. They are his “treasures.” He has faithfully followed through on his knowledge and commitment to hunt treasure. He has studied and trained to execute well.

I believe that God calls us to do the same spiritually. Read His word daily so He can speak truth to us; we can know Him. He loves us and wants to show us His plans. But how can we know His plans if we don’t spend time getting to know Him? How can we know His voice? We have to spend time reading, pondering on the Word and listening to the Holy Spirit. We have to “ask, seek, knock” (Matthew 7:7). Like, my husband and his metal detector, we will learn to discern His voice, His ways.

In John 6:48, Jesus says “I am the bread of life.” I believe that we are to “feast or forage” upon this bread, which is the Word of God. We are to “…train yourself to be godly” (1Timothy 4:7). Training requires commitment, prayer, time, reading, journaling, worshiping, to name a few. The Bible is like a treasure hunt and when we forage through it and feast upon it, we find hidden treasure. This treasure is more precious than gold and has the power to change lives! We share the treasures with others so they can learn, grow and share!

So, become a Faithful Forager and journey with Jesus!