

James 1:17

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.

Romans 12:6

We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us.

Last evening some of my friends met for a service project.  We were helping a friend’s mother sort through 50 plus years of her household goods in preparation to move. Her mom, widowed, is building a new home and preparing for the next chapter in her life. This is NO easy task!   Her current home holds precious decades of memories:  babies born, diapers changed, numerous thousands of meals prepared and eaten, grandchildren born, Christmas celebrations, birthdays, etc…  Uprooting after so many good years is difficult.  Making decisions of what to keep, donate, sale or throw away is emotionally draining and physically exhausting.  But it is necessary for preparation for the next chapter and new home.

As we were winding down the whirlwind of activity, I was so captivated with my friend’s mom’s artwork.  I spent a few moments admiring the details of several of her oil paintings.  The beauty spoke to my heart.  I told her mom how beautiful her artwork is!  

One of the paintings “Amazing Grace” reminded me of my dad.   His voice was a God given gift.  One of his favorite songs was Amazing Grace.  As I gazed at the painting, I could hear him singing in my memory.  When I looked out of the kitchen window across the backyard, the barn had a stunning mural including a covered bridge.  My heart was filled with wonder and joy.  I felt so blessed to behold the beauty. 

We started a conversation around gifts.  Drawing, painting is definitely not one of my gifts.  But one of my friends can draw beautifully, another has a gift of sewing, another gardening, floral arranging, fixing things.  God gives each of us gifts and talents to use to help and bless others.  We need to use and share our gifts with others to bless them and serve God.  I believe this is our “ministry.”   

I think we need to embrace the gifts that God has generously given to each one of us. Maybe you cannot paint or draw, but maybe you can cook or bake.  Perhaps you can write and send a note of encouragement.  Maybe you have flowers in your garden and you can pick a bunch and take to someone that needs some cheer.   Share your gift with someone today.  Be a blessing!