

Proverbs 17:17

A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity.

John 15:13

Greater love has no one than this:  to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.

You have heard it said “To have a friend, be one.”  We all need friends, community.  We need to feel valued, needed, loved.  We need to know that we are not alone as we walk through this world.  Friends can share our burdens and double our joy!

There are all types of friends.  Some are acquaintances, some come into our lives for a reason, season or a lifetime, few are true blue friends that are our deepest confidantes and stick with us through the good, the bad and the ugly.  

Today, I dedicate this message to what I refer to as my  “inner circle of friends.”  These are the rarest and most precious relationships.  These are the people that know me, know my deepest thoughts and feelings.  These are my precious diamond friends. Rare. Trustworthy. They love me in spite of me!  They see past my flaws and failures and see my potential.  They forgive me when I am wrong, encouraging me to be the best me that God has created.  They listen.  They encourage.  They hold me accountable for incorrect thoughts and actions.  These are my closest and dearest friends.  These are the friends that you can call anytime day or night and they will “be there” for you.  They will not judge or criticize.  They cry with you, pray with you and have the courage to stand with you through difficult circumstances.  When all others turn away, they stand firm and are close by.

Take a moment and do a mental assessment of your friendships.  How many friends do you have that fit the description of “inner circle friends?”  Then, move forward, grow a few of your friendships into trusted friends who will walk with you through the times of life’s adversity.  Become a trusted friend to someone today!

Photo Credit by: Duy Pham @miinyuii

One Comment

  • Brenda

    Amen! I have heard that few will ever have these types of deep, intimate relationships because it takes a lot of effort. It is not easy! So true. But just like our relationship with the Lord, and anyone else for that matter, the more you pour in, the deeper, more meaningful relationship you will have. I know I am not worthy, but I am so blessed to have such friends. ❤️