

2 Corinthians 2:15-16

For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.
To the one we are an aroma that brings death; to the other, an aroma that brings life.
And who is equal to such a task?

There are some fragrances that I absolutely love:  the smell after a Spring rain, the scent of leaves on the ground in the Fall, roses, lilacs, eucalyptus, mint, buttered maple syrup candles, apple butter cooking on the stove, cinnamon rolls and sugar cookies baking in the oven, chocolate chip cookies, a variety of perfumes and colognes….the list is endless.

Likewise, there are some scents that are repulsive:  spray from a skunk, swamp water, dead decaying flesh, dirty chicken pens and animal barn stalls….

When we are following God, loving Him, doing His will, praising Him, loving people, we are a pleasing aroma to Him.  I wonder what His favorite scent is?  I am sure it is entitled OBEDIENCE.  Does it smell like marshmallows toasting over a campfire?  Maybe it smells like a brisket cooking in a smoker or maybe a Spring shower?  Whatever it smells like, we know that when we are Christ followers, our scent is fragrant and pleasing.

But, to those that don’t know Jesus, we STINK.  We smell rotten.   We smell like death.

It is not easy for me to think
That I stink.
But it hurts me so
To think that Jesus you do not know.
Jesus says “Follow me.”
“I will wash you clean; give you a home in heaven for Eternity.”
Then, you will understand-
How the stench changes to a pleasant aroma to God across the land.