Child under Jesus,  Lent

Forty Day Journey To Lent

Today is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent; forty days to journey towards Easter, celebrating the resurrection of Jesus. It is a time of introspection, reflection and preparation of our hearts. What does God want us to see, hear, feel, do today, each day? How can we draw closer to Him? How has He prepared us to serve? Will we be faithful to obey what He is asking each of us to do? This morning the words that resonate with me from my daily devotional book, My Utmost for His Highest, by Oswald Chambers, is “simple things.” This morning in the Midwest the temperature is -4 F. It is bitterly cold! I find myself grateful for shelter, heat, food, pipes not frozen, driveway clear from snow, good health, friends, family, pets and my computer. These things, normally, I take for granted. Simple Things. Today, I thank God for waking up to a new and fresh morning! His grace and mercies are new. I am blessed! Yet, I am humbled by God’s generosity towards me.


Thank You for all of your kindness, goodness, grace and mercies! Thank You for loving me and blessing me! Thank you for your patience and never giving up on me! As I journey these 40 days to the Cross, let me see, hear and do all You are telling me to do. As it says in Psalm 51:10, ‘Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.

In Jesus name! Amen!