
Eyes to See

When I pray and ask for “eyes to see”-
Sometimes I don’t like what you show me.
You open my eyes.
Expose selfishness, harshness, deception and lies.

What do I do when I see-
Bitterness and selfishness inside of me?
I have a choice-turn away in pride?
Or repent of my sin, ask forgiveness and cleansing inside?

Abba, You discipline those that you love.
You care about the little details from far above.
You listen to my pettiness; hear my whine.
Oh, how You must get frustrated and laugh at times!

You lovingly chide me and care.
You listen; hear every prayer.
Like a road grater working on a rock road, You smooth the path, remove the rough spots.
You work and You grate to remove bumps and knots.

It is a process that takes time and discipline.
I learn patience; not to cry and whine at every whim.
I learn “tough lessons”; to rely on your strength.
You teach me to trust and not “over think”.

Let me have Your joy in all that I do.
Eyes fixed on Jesus; perseverance to follow You.
Let me humble myself, repent and obey-
Always waiting, listening and doing what You say!

Photo Credit: William Bout