
Breathless Expectation

I sit this morning and ponder of my Great and Mighty God and wonder.
How does He feel when He looks down and sees man?
Surely, our sins are many; like grains of sand.
Yet, He made a way.

For forgiveness, for a relationship with Him today.
He sent His only Son
To die for our sins; the Chosen One.
Jesus paid the price.

He was the sacrifice.
He rose again
To defeat death, give new life; forgive sin.
Now, we wait in gracious uncertainty

For His return-heaven-eternity.
We wait with breathless expectation,
for Him to come. A celebration!
We watch and pray

His return is imminent, any day.
We do not know the day or hour.
But we must be about His business;
sharing hope, His love and power.

His light must shine through the darkness
Piercing the hearts of hardness.
Calling people to “Come.”
Dying to self. Surrendering our lives for him to run.

Trusting as a little child.
Laying down pride; becoming meek and mild.
Letting go of this world
Like sails before Him, become unfurled.

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