
Bitter or Better?

1 Peter 5:7

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

This morning as I walked around my yard, looking at my flowers, my heart was sad.  I worked so hard last Fall to plant tulip bulbs!  After the difficult year of 2020, I was hopeful to add cheer and beauty this Spring.  I love Spring!  I love flowers!  The colors, fragrance and beauty brighten my day.  Until a few days ago, my tulips were green and growing.  I was looking forward to seeing the colors and smelling their fragrance.  But now, they lie in their beds, wilted, brown and with little hope of life left in them.

What happened?  My husband, being a bit of a perfectionist, recently declared “war” on the weeds in the yard.  Since we have several acres, he borrowed a large sprayer and formulated his plan of attack.  He executed according to plan.  However, he got a little too close to my flower beds.  The wind was blowing and blew some of the weed killer onto my flowers.  Now, not only the weeds seem to be dying, but my tulips too.

At first, admittingly, I was upset!  I had worked so hard!  I had anxiously been anticipating my flower extravaganza arrival.  But now, it doesn’t appear this will happen.

After pondering, I have thought of the many disappointments in my life.  Some small and some big.  I have lived through molestation,  domestic violence, divorce, single parenting, job changes, suicide.  At times, I was a victim and bad things happened.  At other times, I made unwise destructive choices and brought negative consequences upon myself.  God always gives us a choice.  The question is What will we do?  Will be choose to be bitter or better?  Will we choose to be a victim or be a victor?  Some life situations are far more hurtful and disappointing than losing my flowers.  However, how we handle our choice is similar.  I could choose to be angry with my husband, rant and rave about carelessness. Or I can choose to forgive him.  He didn’t set out to intentionally kill my flowers.  It was an accident.  If I chose to be angry, then I begin to harbor bitterness.  Bitterness quickly builds deep roots.  It can quickly consume a person and take on a life of its own; building a heart of hardness.

I can choose to be better.  I can seek God and ask Him to teach me something in the trial or circumstance.  I can pray and ask God for a forgiving heart.  I can choose to forgive people for wrong things they have done to me and I can ask forgiveness for wrongs that I have committed.  

We have a BIG God who loves us more than we know!  He brings peace to the past; hope for the future.  He rescues the perishing and gives new life!  Today, bring your cares to Him.  Choose to be better, not bitter.  

Photo Credit of Tulips: Ralston Smith @ralstonhsmith

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