• Prayer

    Jesus, My Help

    I’m sure there have been times in your life, just like my own, when you have sought the Lord through tears and pain; asking God to do something that we think he should do and in the ways we want Him to do them. Those cries in the middle of the night when we are desperate. “Oh Lord, please help me or help (your loved one)!” We need to hear from God, to see Him move and do the thing that we know only He can do. We cry out with all of our being waiting, watching, praying, hoping. Wondering if He is hearing our cries. Does He really hear…

  • Victory

    God’s Victory Through Support

    I was blessed to be able to pray for a very special group of ladies who serve the Lord in a particular ministry one day. As we were praying, I felt a Word fall into my Spirit.  I want to call this God’s Victory Through Support.  We know how tiring it can be to serve others in any capacity. There are times we become so weary.  There are times we feel so alone. The Word I received that day can be found in Exodus 17 as Amalek (aka the enemy) comes to fight against Israel (aka God’s chosen people/servants). Moses tells them he will station himself on the top of the…