The Day of the Lord and My Personal Journey
"Surely the day is coming; it will burn like a furnace. All the arrogant and every evildoer will be stubble, and the day that is coming will set them on fire, says the Lord Almighty. Not a root or a branch will be left to them." (Malachi 4:1)
"But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays. And you will go out and frolic like well-fed calves." (Malachi 4:2)
This morning as I was reading Malachi 4, I was reminded of God’s justice and His holiness. The day of the Lord will come, and He will set everything right. But this isn’t just a call for judgment—it’s a call for me to reflect on my own life and examine where my time and attention are being spent.
I know there are areas in my life where I’ve allowed distractions to take over—whether it’s playing games on my phone, scrolling through social media, spending time on personal projects, exercising, or even laying in bed for too long instead of starting my day with God. While none of these activities are inherently bad, I’ve noticed that I can sometimes let them consume more time than they should. When I lie in bed too long in the mornings, for instance, it often leads me to waste precious time that could have been spent connecting with God or setting a better tone for my day. The issue isn’t the activities themselves, but how much of my time they’re taking up. I have to ask myself: Is my time being used in a way that honors God, or have these distractions become idols that keep me from Him?
Today, I’m reminded that God isn’t asking me to give up these things entirely. He’s simply calling me to be more intentional with my time—making sure that time with Him is a priority in my day.
Acknowledging My Struggles
Malachi 4 speaks of judgment, but I see it as an invitation to evaluate my own heart. I recognize that I often let things like my phone, social media, personal projects, exercising, and even laying in bed too long take priority over time with God.
These things are not bad in themselves, but when I let them consume more time than I should, they crowd out what truly matters. Today, I bring this before God and ask for His help in finding a balance. I want to enjoy these things but not at the cost of my relationship with Him. God, help me to be mindful of how I spend my time, and remind me to start each day by seeking You first.
God’s Healing is for Me
God promises that for those who revere His name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing. I need that healing today, especially when I feel like I’ve been overwhelmed by distractions. When I let other things take over, I end up feeling disconnected or drained.
But when I prioritize time with God, His presence restores me. I invite His light into my life today—shining into the places where I feel distant or spiritually dry. I trust that He will heal me, not just physically, but spiritually and emotionally, when I give Him the time He deserves.
The Joy of Restoration
Malachi 4 speaks about the joy that comes with restoration, describing how those who are faithful to God will “frolic like well-fed calves.” When I think about this, I picture a calf that’s well-nourished, full, and free to run around, full of energy and joy. It’s a picture of freedom and celebration, something that comes when God restores us.
In this passage, Malachi is showing me that true joy comes from being in right relationship with God—when I allow Him to bring healing and peace into my life. I’ve noticed that sometimes I search for that joy in things that only leave me feeling empty. But the joy God offers is different—it’s a deep, lasting joy that comes when I’m fully aligned with His will. It’s the joy of being nourished and restored, knowing that I’m living in His purpose. Today, I want to choose that joy by focusing on what truly matters and allowing Him to fill me with the freedom and peace He promises.
Living with Expectancy:
Malachi also points to the coming of Elijah and the ultimate restoration that Christ will bring. I live with that same expectancy today, knowing that Christ will return and make all things new. In the midst of my daily activities, I want to live with the hope of His return, knowing that He is still working in me. Even the small choices—like getting out of bed on time to seek Him first or choosing to limit distractions—matter. God, help me to live with an expectant heart today, anticipating the work You’re doing in my life and in the world around me.
Lord, as I read Malachi 4, I’m reminded that the Day of the Lord is coming—a day of judgment, but also a day of healing and restoration for those who revere Your name. I realize that I’ve allowed distractions like my phone, social media, personal projects, exercise, and even the habit of laying in bed for too long to take up more time than they should. These things are not bad in themselves, but I’ve let them crowd out my time with You.
I ask for Your forgiveness and Your help in setting my priorities straight. Please shine Your healing light into my life and restore me. I want to live with expectancy, knowing that You will return, and I want to live in a way that reflects Your kingdom.
Help me to prioritize You and seek Your righteousness above all else. Thank You for the joy, healing, and restoration You offer.
In Jesus’ name,