Faithful Love
I have to share something that really touched my heart this morning while I was reading Genesis 39. I came across the verse where it says that God showed Joseph His faithful love, and it stopped me in my tracks.
It made me want to dig deeper into what faithful love really means—what it meant for Joseph, and what it means for me right now. Genesis 39:21 says, “But the Lord was with Joseph in the prison and showed him His faithful love.”
That phrase, faithful love, comes from the Hebrew word חֶסֶד (chesed)—a love that is unwavering, loyal, merciful, and kind. A love that doesn’t waver based on circumstances.
But what really got me was this—God’s love for Joseph wasn’t proven by taking him out of the prison. It was proven by being with him in it. Joseph wasn’t alone. Even in the middle of his suffering, God was showing him kindness, favor, and purpose. And that made me pause and ask myself: How often do I look at my own circumstances and wonder where God is?
It’s so easy to doubt His love when things feel hard, when life doesn’t go the way I hoped. But this verse reminds me that I can’t measure God’s faithfulness by what I’m going through in the moment. Just because I don’t see the full picture yet doesn’t mean He isn’t working.
I know that when I face difficulties, my first instinct is often to focus on the struggle rather than trusting that God is working behind the scenes. But Joseph’s story reminds me of something powerful—what the enemy meant for harm, God turned for good (Genesis 50:20).
The prison wasn’t the end of Joseph’s story. It was actually the very thing that positioned him for the palace. And I believe the same is true for you and me. No matter what we’re walking through, God’s chesed—His faithful love—never leaves us. He is with us, He is for us, and even in the hardest, most confusing moments,
He is working things together for something greater than we can see right now. So today, I’m holding onto this truth: His love is present. His plan is unfolding. And no matter what the enemy tries to use for harm, God will turn it for good.
I have a video i made to share as well.