
Bus Driver

Matthew 19:14

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

For the past couple of years, my husband has had the opportunity to be a bus driver for the local school corporation.  I have to say a special Thank you and God Bless you to all of the bus drivers out there!  You are truly an amazing group of people; dedicated, loving, persevering, caring individuals.  Much of the time you get a lot of disrespect and very little gratitude.  But there are some kids that you absolutely fall in love with!  They make your job a blessing, instead of what seems many days, a curse.

Today is the last day of school for this calendar year.  My husband sent me a picture of a note from one of his special kids:  “Dear Mr. Dan

thank you for being my bus driver. you are the best bus driver evre.  thank you for leting me sit in a set.

Love, Lindy”

For all of the disciplinary reports that have ever been written or the constant warnings that have been issued, this note melts my heart.

It reminds me of the importance of children.  Their young innocence needs to be protected.  Children are a blessing!  They are precious in Jesus sight and are precious to us, to our world.  We need to love them, enjoy them.  We need to teach them respect and reward them for good deeds.  We need to cherish the young years and be grateful for them.  The years pass too quickly and the world can be a harsh place to live.  We need to guide them ever so gently and show them how to live lives of faith and integrity by being good role models.

We need to teach them to love and make a difference in this world!  To all parents, grandparents, friends, neighbors, to all, but especially to Bus Drivers….Thank you for being a friend.  Sometimes you are the only friend a child may have that day.  Use kind words.  Give them instructions.  Love these kids like they are your own!  For Christians, you may be the only Bible some will ever read.  Let them read about Jesus through your life and actions.  You are making a difference in the life of a child near you!  Be the difference!  Show them love when the world shows them hate.  Let them know that you care, no matter what happens in life!