
Following Jesus




Jesus said 2,000 years ago and He says now:   “Follow me.”
To be a follower of Christ, you must develop “Holy Spirit sensitivity.”

You must be able to absolutely discern His voice.
So you can willfully obey; make the right choice.

To follow means you must be willing to serve.
Dying to self and from His way not swerve.

You must give yourself away.
Do His will every day.

Following Jesus comes with great sacrifice.
What is He asking you to lay down? What is the price?

We must deny ourselves, our plans and desires.
We must share in His sufferings; walk through the fire.

We must suffer, grow and learn; bleed to be blessed.
He builds our character so we can encourage many before we rest.

He rewards those whom follow.  The rewards are great.
He gives you the choice to follow or not; to determine your fate.


Wrtitten by Kim Clodfelter


Photo Credit:  Sue Wilson